Wednesday, June 10, 2015



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Perjury against Dirty Cops

How to file a Criminal Application u/s 340 CrPC against Dirty Cops - When they file a False Affidavit in the Court

In the matter under section
u/s 191, 192, 193, 196, 199,
200, 201, 217, 218, 219, 465,
466, 471, 474, READ WITH
120(B) of IPC     

DILIP NARAINDAS KAMWANI,                        )
Age 58 years, resident of 101,                       )
 Mauli Society, A Wing,                                   )
Plot No. 29C, Sector No. 4,                             )
 Vashi                                                                  )
Navi Mumbai – 400703                                   )… Applicant
(OriginalRespondent No.2)

1.    Mr. Purushottam Karad,                        )(Original Petitioner No.1)
DCP Vashi Zone 1,
Vashi. Navi Mumbai.

2.    Mr. Javed Ahmad,                                 ) (Original Petitioner No.2)
(then Commissioner of Police,
Navi Mumbai)Presently, ADGP,
Law & Order, Maharashtra.
Maharashtra Police HQ, Colaba.

3.    Mr. Ashok Kumar Sharma,                             ) (OriginalPetitioner No.3)
Commissioner of Police.
Navi Mumbai, CBD Belapur.                                  

4.    Mr. Laxman Kale,                                    )
Vashi Police Station,
Vashi, Navi Mumbai.

5.    Mr. Raosaheb Sardesai,                        )
(Ex) Sr P.I. Vashi Police Station
Vashi, Navi Mumbai.                                       )… Respondents


The applicantabove named most humbly submits as under:-

1.  That the Applicant, Dilip Kamwani, is Respondent No.2 and his Mother Mohini Kamwani is Respondent No.1 in the FALSE Criminal Writ Petition No. 427 of 2014 filed by Petitioners (present Respondents No.1, 2and 3), u/s 482 for Quashing of JMFC Vashi Court Order dated 1-2-2014 for Registration of FIR against present Respondents No. 1, 2, 4 and 5, vide Applicants Mohini Kamwani and DilipKamwani’s Complaintu/s.156(3) CrPC for offences of Indian Penal Code (IPC) Sections 211, 466, 469,471, 474, 167, 196, 220, 191, 192, 193, 195, 201, 120 (B), 199, 200 & 145(2) Bombay Police Act, AS DIRECTED TOAPPLICANT DILIP KAMWANI AND MOHINI KAMWANI BY HON. BOMBAY HIGH COURT THROUGHITS FINAL JUDGMENT ORDER DATED 13-6-2013 IN OUR CRIMINAL WRIT PETITION NO.1857/2013 AGAINST OUR ORIGINAL ACCUSED POLICE OFFICERS, PRESENT RESPONDENTSNO.1, 2, 4, AND 5, AS WE HAD CLEARLY PRAYED IN OUR SAID CRIM. WP NO. 1857/2013FOR MANDAMUS WRIT/FIR TO BE REGISTERED AGAINST THEM FOR THEIR CRIMINALCONSPIRACY, FALSE CASE AGAINST US, FALSE SWORN AFFIDAVITS AND STATEMENTS BYTHEM, FORGERY, PERJURY, ETC.

2.   Afterfearing the proposed action resulting from JMFC Vashi Court Order dated1-2-2014 for registration of FIR against them, the Respondents No.1 and 2, ourOriginal Accused in Crim. WP 1857/2012, and Respondent No.3, are trying to Criminallymisuse the Process of Court by filing the FALSE Criminal Writ Petition No.427/2014 by Dishonestly Concealing the Material Facts.The material available on record and the documents filed by the Applicant makesit Prima Facie clear that the Respondent No.1 to 5 had Conspired with eachother and created False, Misleading and Fabricated Evidences in order toMislead this Hon. Court and thereby committed Offences against Administrationof Justice, Criminal Abuse of Court Process and Criminal Contempt of Court.

3.   It is Pertinent to note here, that None other but this Hon. Bombay HighCourt hasCAUGHT theirFalse Case against Applicant and his Mother Mohini Kamwani (they Falsely statedthat both Applicant and his other Mohini Kamwani were going to Commit Suicidethat is why they were Arrested), Forgery, Perjury, False Sworn Affidavits, CriminalConspiracy of all our Original Accused includingRespondents No.1 and 2 DCP P. Karad and ADGP Ahmed Javed from 2011 onwards,etc during the hearing of our Criminal Writ Petition No. 1857/2013 and alsofound them Guilty, Convicted and Fined them Rs. 6 Lacs for Illegal Arrest andJailing of Applicant Dilip Kamwani and  his79 year Mother Mohini Kamwani, in Blatant Violation of SC law of D. K. Basu vs. State of Bengal. THE RESPONDENTS NO. 1 TO 3HAVE DELIBERATELY AND DISHONESTLY CONCEALED AND HIDDEN THIS FACT FROM THIS HON.COURT.

4.   It is also Pertinent to note here,that the Respondents No. 1, 2, 4 and 5 along with our other Original Accusedhad filed an SLP No. 6534/2013 in Hon. Supreme Court to challenge the saidimpugned Hon. Bombay High Court Final Judgment Order dated 13-6-2013, BUT HON.SUPREME COURT HAS DISMISSED THEIR SLP ON 23-9-2013. THE RESPONDENTS NO. 1 TO 3 HAVE DELIBERATELY AND DISHONESTLYCONCEALED AND HIDDEN THIS FACT FROM THIS HON. COURT.

5.   Moreover, Maharashtra DGP has also clearlysaid vide Letter dated 2-9-2013 that necessary action will be taken against 4 Guilty Police Officers, DCP P. Karad,ADGP Ahmed Javed, Laxman Kale and Raosaheb Sardesai, which are presentRespondents no. 1, 2, 4 and 5, after the outcome of their SC SLP which haslong back been Dismissed by Hon. SC.  THE RESPONDENTS NO. 1 TO 3 HAVEDELIBERATELY AND DISHONESTLY CONCEALED AND HIDDEN THIS FACT FROM THIS HON.COURT.

6.   That Respondents No.1 and 2 Ahmed Javed and Purushottam Karad are Openly LYING as IApplicant Dilip Kamwani, and my 79 year mother Mohini Kamwani were not Arrested and Jailed in a SINGLE dayby Respondent No.4 SPIMr. Laxman Kale asRespondents No.1 and 2 Mr. Ahmed Javed and Purushottam Karad are FALSELYCLAIMING they never knew and or are NOT Involved in our Illegal Arrest, False Case, Forgery,Perjury, etc ; Their Falsity can be ex-faciely proved from following evidences.Mohini Kamwani sent 100s of Complaints to Higher Authorities from 2010 onwards and Hon. Prime Minister has sent 60Letters to Chief SecretaryMaharashtra Govt., President of India sent 3 Letters, MHA sent 3 Letters, Maharashtra Governor sent 7 Letters and Hon. Bombay High Court also sent 1 letter toMr. Ahmed Javed and all have sent Copies to us. Then, after so many Letters from Higher Authorities, how can RespondentNo.4, a mere SPI Mr. Laxman Kale, Arrest 79 year APPLICANT Mohini Kamwani andher son - WITHOUT SPECIFIC ORDERSAND OR KNOWLEDGE OF HISSENIORPOLICE OFFICERS RESPONDENTS NO. 2 AND 1 MR. AHMED JAVED and MR. PURUSHOTTAM KARAD, as they are Falsely Claiming. THE RESPONDENTS NO.1 TO 3 HAVE DELIBERATELY AND DISHONESTLY CONCEALED AND HIDDEN THIS FACT FROMTHIS HON. COURT.

7.   Itis also very Important to Note here, that Regarding Police "Story" of we complaining about Rs. 1.36 Crore and this being a Civil matter; thisis the Planned CriminalConspiracy ofour Original Accused andRespondents No. 1 to 5 Police officers, who are LYING and trying to Misguide everybody since 2011 includingthis Hon. Court, (AS THEY TRIEDBEFORE ALSO IN OUR Crim.WP 1857/2013 BUT HON. BOMBAY HIGH COURT REJECTED THEIR“STORY” AND HELD THEM GUILTY, CONVICTED AND FINED THEM RS. 6 LACS), as ourComplaint was Clearly about our Accused Relatives Karani Family Threatening usfrom August 2010, Criminally  Trespassingto our House and Demanding my mother Mohini Kamwani’s Bank A/c No. andSignatures to Loot, Cheat and Harm us AGAIN even though we have Severed ourRelation with them since 2007 Legally by issuing them Legal Notices in VashiTimes and they have No Right to even Contact us, because they Looted, Cheatedand Destroyed our Family before also leading to the Untimely Deaths of my Father,young Brother and Suicide by my 2nd Unmarried Sister Gita in 2007.


Asour Original Accused, Respondents No.1 and 2 DCP P. Karad and ADG Ahmed Javed were Involved and Conspired Criminally with Respondents No.4 and 5 SPIsRaosaheb Sardesai and Laxman Kale right from Beginning from December 2010,hence we are stating the Brief Facts of the Case from the Inception:

a)             We had severed our relation Legallywith my sister Sumita Karani and her family in 2007 by giving them Legal Noticein Vashi Times, because they had looted and cheated us and destroyed usfinancially leading to Deaths of my Father and Brother and Suicide by my secondSister in 2007.

b)             But again from August 2010 toDecember 2010 my Nephew Manoj Karani started Threatening us by coming to ourhouse and Demanding my Mother’s Bank Account No. and Signatures to loot usagain.

c)              On 23.12-2010, we went to VashiPolice Station to file FIR against Karani family, but Police asked us to giveeverything in Writing. On 24-12-2010, we approached Navi Mumbai PoliceCommissioner Mr. Javed Ahmed who refused to take our complaint. Then we wentback to Vashi Police Station who only registered an N.C.

d)             As no action was taken againstKaranis, my Mother complained to higher Authorities, but still no action wastaken.

e)              So my Mother sat on Hunger Strike atAzad Maidan from 16-01-2012    to24-01-2012.

f)                 On 25-01-2012 Vashi Police arrestedme & my Mother illegally and Jailed us for 4 days at Kalyan Jail.

g)             On 07-05-2012 we filed a CriminalWrit Petition no. 1857/2012 in Bombay High Court.

h)              High Court passed the Final JudgmentOrder on 13-06-2013 holding all the 6 Accused Guilty, including Respondent No.1 and 2 DCP P. Karad and Ahmed Javed, and fined them Rs. 6 Lacs.

i)                  All the 6 Accused filed SLP inSupreme Court, but the Supreme Court Dismissed their SLP on 23-09-2013.

j)                  On 30-01-2014, we filed Complaintno. 91/2014 u/s 156(3) with JMFC Vashi Court for registration of FIR againstfour accused Police Officers, Respondents No. 1, 2, 4, and 5,  as Directed to us by Hon. Bombay High Courtvide its Final Judgment Order dated 13-6-2013.

k)               On 01-02-2014, JMFC Vashi Courtpassed the Order for registration of FIR against the four Accused PoliceOfficers, Respondent No. 1, 2, 4 and 5.

l)                  After fearing the proposed actionresulting from the said JMFC Vashi Court FIR Order against them, thepetitioners are trying to misuse the Process of Court by filing this petitionby Dishonestly Concealing the Material Facts, as stated above.

Important Note: In our Crim.WP No. 1857/2012,where Respondents No.1, 2, 4 and 5 are our Original Accused, Hon. Bombay HighCourt has ALREADY found them Guilty, Convicted and Fined them Rs. 6 Lacs, onthe basis of Following CRUCIAL Exhibits, Documentary Evidences, Material Facts,etc. and we had submitted most of these with Exhibits “A” to “P” to Hon.JMFC Vashi Court in our Complaint No. 91/2014 u/s 156(3) for registration ofFIR and After seeing the same, Hon. JMFC Vashi Court Magistrate passed theFIR registration Order on 1.2-2014. As we Forgot to submit some CrucialExhibits and Material Facts to JMFC Vashi Court with our said Complaint No.91/2014, Hence we are filing them here to Further Prove the Falsity of theCrim.WP 427/2014 filed by the Respondents No. 1 to 3:

(A)         On 23-12-2010, Applicant and hisMother approached Vashi Police Station to register our FIR against our AccusedKarani Family members Threatening us for 5Monthsfrom August 2010 and asking our Bank A/c No. & Signatures toLoot and Cheat us AGAIN, but Police asked us to give everything in Writingabout why we Severed our Relation with them and how our Relatives had Looted usin the Past also. So on 24-12-2010, we approached the then Navi Mumbai PoliceCommissioner with the said written complaint, butRespondent No.2 Ahmed Javed REFUSED to take our Complaint andShouted at me and my Mother. So we went back to Vashi Police Station, andRespondent No. 5 SPI R. Sardesai registeredonly an NC Complaint u/s 506 and 507. Annexed and marked asExhibit “A” is Copy of our 1stComplaint to Vashi Police dated 23-12-2010 and Exhibit “B”is Copy of our 2 Legal Notices to our AccusedKarani Family members in Vashi Times 2007.

(B)           On 13-3-2011, an Underworld connected person Hiten Sampat Looted and Threatened Applicant and his Motherand from his Airtel CDRs (call data records) we informed Vashi Police about heand our Accused Nephew/Grandson Sanjeev Karani and Rakhi Sanjeev Karani haveexchanged 4 calls on 17 March 2011. RespondentNo. 5 SPI R. Sardesai registered FIR against Hiten Sampat only, but no Offencewas registered against our Accused Nephew/Grandson Sanjeev Karani and RakhiSanjeev Karani, even though we complained to Respondent No.2 Ahmed Javed.Annexed and marked as Exhibit “C”(Colly.) is Copy of our complaints sent to Respondents No. 5 and DGP.

(C)         On 19-6-2011, Urmi Manoj Karani,wife of our Main Accused Nephew/Grandson Manoj Karani, came to India from Dubaiand called and Threatened us to take back our Complaint against Karanis as theyare Very Rich and Powerful. We Complained to Vashi Police AGAIN that they areThreatening us, hence Respondent No.5 SPI R. Sardesaiissued 1st Legal Notices u/s 149 CrPC on19/20-6-2011to Jeetendra Karani, Sumita Karani, Narendra Karani and SanjeevKarani for Threatening Mohini Kamwani; butNo Notice was issued to Urmi Manoj Karani by Respondent No. 5 SPI R. Sardesai.Annexed and marked as Exhibit “D”is Copy of 1st Legal Notice u/s 149 CrPC issued to Karanis.

(D)         On 9-7-2011 and on 14-7-2011, Applicant’sMother Mohini Kamwani has sent clear Complaints to Higher AuthoritiesPresident, PM, HM Maharashtra CM, HM DGP, etc., by Registered Post and Emails,about Respondent No.2 Ahmed JavedLYING to Protect Accused Karanis through his Reply sent on his behalf byRespondent No.1 DCP P. Karad. Annexed and marked as Exhibit “E” is Copy of 2complaints.

(E)       Again on 26-10-2011 and28-10-2011, Applicant’s Mother Mohini Kamwani has sent More Complaints toHigher Authorities, with RTI Proof, about RespondentNo.1 DCP P. Karad LYING in his Reply on behalf of  Respondent No.2 ADG Ahmed Javed, to Protect ourMain Accused Manoj Karani and his wife Urmi Manoj Karani. Annexed andmarked as Exhibit “F” is Copyof 2 more complaints, “PlannedConspiracy of NM Police since 24 December 2010 to Help/Protect/Save Rich &Powerful Criminals-Karani Family”and“UGLY TRUTH OF NAVI MUMBAI DCPZONE 1 VASHI SHRI P. KARAD LYING AGAIN TO PROTECT ACCUSED KARANIS”.

(F)            On 11.11.2011, the Applicant’s Mother Mohini Kamwani sent one more complaint to Chief Minister explainingher grievance and the harassment faced by her, as NM Police, Respondent No.2 and 1 are LYING to Protect our Richand Powerful Accused Karanis. A copy of the said letter dated 11.11.2011 sentby the Applicant No. 1’s Mother tothe Chief Minister is annexed heretomarked as Exhibit “G”.

(G)        As aconsequence of the said letter, the Applicant’s Mother Mohini Kamwani wasapproached by Respondent No.4 Laxman Kale on 27.12.2011 wherein he promised her that appropriateaction would be taken against Accused Karanis and asked her to give a writtenundertaking stating that she would not siton any protest fast. A copy of the letter dated 27.12.2011 given by herto the Respondent No.4 Laxman Kale is annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit“H”. But RespondentNo.4 Laxman Kale did not take any Legal Action against Accused Karanis; he onlyissued 2nd “SOFT” Legal Notices to Jeetendra Karani, Sumita Karaniand Narendra Karani. WHY NO LEGALACTION by Respondent No.4 LaxmanKale against Accused Karanis FORREPEATING THE OFFENCES AND THREATENING A 79 YEAR SENIOR CITIZEN, AS MENTIONEDIN THE 1ST POLICE NOTICE THAT LEGAL ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AGAINSTKARANIS IF THEY THREATEN MOHINI KAMWANI AGAIN ? Annexed and marked as Exhibit “I” is a Copy of 2nd Police Notices toKaranis u/s 149 CrPC.

(H)          On 27-12-2011, RespondentNo.4 SPI Laxman Kale has sent a Letter Javak Kramank (outward number)11884/2011to Respondent No.1 DCP P. Karad where he has stated on page 2 that “Accused No. 4 Manoj Karani had come toIndia in August 2011 but he had to go to Pune for his company’s work so he didnot come to Vashi Police Station” ???!!! – This is the UndisputableProof that Respondent No1. DCP Karad was aware and how Respondent No.4 SPILaxman Kale was HELPING Karanis to Protect them. Annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit “J” is the Copy of SPILaxman Kale’s Letter to DCP Karad.


(I)              That In view of the fact that no action was taken by Respondent No.4 Laxman Kale,  on the complaint of the Applicant’s Mother, andthe officers of Respondent No.4 Laxman Kale making false statementsbefore the Maharashtra State Human Rights Commission, as MSHRC had sentSummons to Respondent No.2 Ahmed Javed and Respondent No.5 R. Sardesai,  resulting in the closure of her complaint,  Applicant’s Mother addressed a letter to Sr. PoliceInspector of Azad Maidan Police Station, and thereby sought permission to sit  on "peaceful  Protest  Hunger Strike"  on 16.01.2012 against the inaction of the police. A copyof the letter dated 02.01.2012 sent by the Applicant’s Mother to the Senior Police Inspector,Azad Maidan Police Station is annexed heretoand marked as Exhibit “K”.

(J)            Applicant’s Mother Mohini Kamwanistarted her fast (Hunger Strike) from 16.01.2012 at Azad Maidan and was stationed there for 3 days. She addressed aletter to various authoritiesinforming them that she intends to continueher hunger fast for an indefinite time, till justice is done. A copy of the letterdated 21.01.2012 sent by Bombay High Court Public Grievances Cell to Respondent No.2 ADG Ahmed Javed, is annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit“L”.

(K)           As aconsequence to the above said representation, a high ranking officer of theAzad Maidan Police station visited Applicant’sMother and convinced her that action will be taken on her grievances and she should not take any steps thatcould be considered contrary to the law of the land. Applicant’s Mother decided to call off her fast and gave the same in writing to the policeofficer. Copy of the undertaking dated 24.01.2012 of the Applicant’s Mother wherein she has very clearly stated that in her life of 77 years she did not breach any law and she did not intend to doso at this stage of her life is annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit “M”.

(L)            That The Applicant and his Mother were extremelysurprised to see twopoliceofficers, one of them addressed as Kadam,accompanied by one lady police officeraddressedas Ms Chikne, SENT BY RESPONDENT NO.4LAXMAN KALE, at our doorstep at 8:30 AM on the morningof 25.01.2012. The Applicant andhis Mother were informed that RESPONDENTNO.4 LAXMAN KALE HAD SENT THEM to register an FIR on her complaintagainst Accused Karanis and that she along with her son would have toaccompany them to the police station. Since, it was early morning Applicant’s Mother asked them to proceedahead and that she would be at the police station in half an hour. Applicantand his Mother were told that they will berequired only for about an hour, therefore the Applicant and his Motherleft her mentally challenged daughterbehind and arrived at the Vashi Police Station at around 9:00 AM on25.01.2012.

(M)       That, on 25-01-2012, Till 1:30PM Applicant and hisMother were made to sit by RESPONDENTNO.4 LAXMAN KALE inside the police station without any information or explanation and without any food orwater. At about 2.30 pm, the Applicant and his Mother were escorted to the court premises by RESPONDENT NO.4 LAXMAN KALEalong with lady police officers, LYING AGAIN TO US THAT APP WILL TELLTHEM TO REGISTER FIR UNDER WHICH SECTIONS  and were made to sit on a bench outside thecourt room of learned JMFC.

(N)         At around4:45 pm the Applicant and his Mother were PUSHED BY RESPONDENT NO.4 LAXMAN KALEand produced before the Magistrate and itwas only at this stage that we realized that we were being touted asaccused persons and not as complainants.RESPONDENTNO.4 LAXMAN KALE FILED A FALSE CASE IN JMFC VASHI COURT STATING ON OATH THATMOHINI KAMWANI AND HER SON WERE GOING TO COMMIT SUICIDE (???!!!) TO OBTAIN AFAVORABLE ORDER FROM JMFC VASHI COURT AND HENCE, WE WERE SENT TO JUDICIAL CUSTODY FOR 3 DAYS TO KALYAN JAIL. This in spite of the fact that the Applicant’sMother had givena clear undertaking to Azad Maidan Police one day before on 24-1-2012 that shehad called off her protest fast. Copy of the order dated 25.01.2012 passed bythe Learned Magistrate, JMFC, Vashi Court in Outward No. 717/2012 is annexedhereto and marked as Exhibit “N”.

(O)        The Applicant requested RESPONDENT NO.4 LAXMAN KALE that he be produced beforethe Learned Magistrate once again so that theMagistrate could be apprised of the facts, insteadthe Applicant was handcuffed by Mr. Kadam at the order of Respondent No.4 Laxman Kale, and pushed intothe police van, along with his Mother. The Applicant’s Mother requested Respondent No.4 Laxman Kaleto atleast allow her to take an extra set of clean clothes, articles of necessity,and ensure that her mentally challengeddaughter who was alone at home is lookedafter by the neighbours, but this request was also turned down by RespondentNo.4 Laxman Kale.

(P)           That on27.01.2012, Applicant and his Mother were produced before Learned Magistrate,where Respondent No.4 Laxman Kale sought extension of our detentionperiod, which was opposed by the us. On hearing the submissions made by us,the Learned JMFC ordered release of the Applicant and his Mother. Copy of theaffidavit dated 27.01.2012 of RespondentNo.4 Laxman Kale seekingextension of detention period which also bears out the order of the LearnedJMFC is annexed hereto and marked asExhibit “O”.

(Q)        Following the order of Learned JMFC, the Applicant and his Mother were taken back to Kalyan Prison, for conducting release procedure. On the way to Kalyan Prison the Applicant was again handcuffeddespite his protest and objection.

(R)          That after their release Applicant made a complaint tothe Respondent No.2 Ahmed Javed then Commissionerof Police narrating the above illegal incidence of being handcuffed at theorder of Respondent No.4 Laxman Kale. Copy of the complaint made to the Commissioner of Police by theApplicant dated 10.02.2012 is annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit “P”.

(S)           Your Lordships, it is Pertinent toNote here that, Respondent No. 5 SPIRaosaheb Sardesai has told people “Itold my Bosses ADG Ahmed Javed and DCP Karad (Respondents No.2 and 1)NOT to Arrest 79 year Mohini Kamwani and her son but they did not listen to meand Laxman Kale was in a Hurry to get a Promotion and a Medal, so he AGREED toArrest them by Hook or Crook”. That is why Respondent No.5 SPI RaosahebSardesai was Transferred by Respondents No. 1 and 2 ADG Ahmed Javed and DCP P.Karad to Thane, BECAUSE HE REFUSED TO ARREST US !!! and Respondent No.4 SPILaxman Kale, who Arrested us Illegally in a False Case, has been given DGP’sMedal on 01-05-2013 and a Promotion as SPI In-charge of Vashi Police Station on28-05-2013 (he was API at Nerul Police Station).

(T)            Your Lordships, it is again Pertinentto Note here that Respondents No.1 and 2 Ahmed Javedand Purushottam Karad areOpenly LYING as I,Applicant Dilip Kamwani andmy 79 year Mother MohiniKamwani were not Arrestedand Jailed in a SINGLE daybyRespondent No.4 SPI Mr. Laxman Kale as Respondents No.2 and1 Mr. Ahmed Javed and Purushottam Karad are FALSELY CLAIMING that theynever knew and or are NOT Involved in our Illegal Arrest, False Case,Forgery, Perjury, etc; Their Falsity can be ex-faciely Provedfrom following Evidences. Applicant’s Mother Mohini Kamwani sent 100s ofComplaints to Higher Authorities from 2010 onwardsand Hon. Prime Minister has sent 60 Letters to Chief Secretary Maharashtra Govt., President of India sent 3 Letters, MHA sent 3 Letters, Maharashtra Governorsent 7 Letters and Hon. Bombay HighCourt also sent 1 letter to Mr. Ahmed Javed and all have sent Copies tous. Then, after so many Letters fromHigher Authorities, how can Respondent No.4, a mere SPI Mr. Laxman Kale, Arrest79 year APPLICANT Mohini Kamwani and her son - WITHOUT SPECIFIC ORDERS AND OR KNOWLEDGE OF HIS SENIOR POLICE OFFICERS RESPONDENTS NO. 2 AND 1 MR.AHMED JAVED and MR. PURUSHOTTAM KARAD,as they are Falsely Claiming. THE RESPONDENTS NO. 1 TO 3 HAVE DELIBERATELY AND DISHONESTLYCONCEALED AND HIDDEN THIS FACT FROM THIS HON. COURT.Annexed and markedas Exhibit “Q” (Colly.) is Copy of Letters sent by Higher Authorities to CS Maharashtra Govt.and Respondent No.2 Ahmed Javed and Copies to Mohini Kamwani.


(U)          That Aggrievedby the Criminal Conspiracy of Respondents No. 1, 2, 4 and 5, our OriginalAccused, and their illegal action the Applicant and his Mother approached theHon’ble Bombay High Court against Respondents No. 1, 2, 4, 5,Principal Secretary Home Dept. and State ofMaharashtra by filing a Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 1857 of 2012 seekingjustice from the Hon’ble Court against the illegal action and gross violationof our fundamental rights.  Copyof the Criminal Writ Petition being Writ Petition (Crl.) No. 1857 of 2012 filedby the us before the Hon’ble High Court of Judicature at Bombay is annexedhereto and marked as Exhibit “R”.

(V)         RespondentNo.5 SPI Raosaheb Sardesai, Co-conspirator of Respondents No.1 and 2, filed aFALSE Affidavit on Oath on 03.08.2012 saying that Mohini Kamwani and her sonwere Arrested because they were going to Commit Suicide, which has beenREJECTED By Hon. Bombay High Court. Copy of the affidavit dated 03.08.2012 bythe Accused in Criminal Writ Petition No. 1857 of 2012 is annexed hereto andmarked as Exhibit “S”.

(W)       On 29-8-2012, Applicant’s Mother filed a Rejoinderto Respondent No.5 R. Sardesai’s Affidavit, clearly stating that mycomplaint was about Threats by Accused Karanis and NOT about Rs. 1.36 Crore, asalso FALSELY Alleged by Respondents No.1 to 5, and that we were NOTgoing to Commit Suicide. Annexed hereto and marked asExhibit “T” isa Copy of Mohini Kamwani’s Rejoinder.

(X)                                                                                                                                     The Hon’ble Bombay High Court heard the Petition on20.11.2012 and found that Prima Facie case is made out by us thatdirections of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case ofD. K. Basu Vs. State of West Bengal [(1997)1 SCC 416] have not been complied with. The Court said that “The affidavit filed (by Respondent No.5 R.Sardesai) is totally unsatisfactory” and directed that the concerned officer (Respondent No.5 R.Sardesai) toremain present on 23.11.2012 along with entire record. Copy of the Order dated20.11.2012 passed in Criminal Writ Petition No. 1857 of 2012 before the Hon’bleBombay High Court is annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit “U”.

(Y)           That on23.11.2012, the Hon’ble High Court perused the documents filed by the assistantpublic prosecutor and came to the finding that the station diary entry no.26 does not make any reference to usthat we had declined to sign the arrest form. Further the affidavit of Respondent No.5 then Senior PoliceInspector Rao Saheb Sardesai dated, 03.08.2012 does not make any reference tothe arrest form being drawn. We have perused the originalarrest form of the petitioner and her son. Prima facie, it appears to usthat endorsement that arrestees declined to sign the same has been subsequentlymade as the handwriting appears to be different than the handwriting in whichvarious details have been filled in (FORGERY). In any case, additionalaffidavit cannot be permitted to be filed to fill up any lacuna”.Copy of the orderdated 23.11.2012 passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Bombay in Criminal WritPetition No. 1857 of 2012 is annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit “V”.

(Z)            On22.02.2013, EVEN AFTER 2 ABOVE CLEAR ORDERSPASSED BY HON. BOMBAY HIGH COURT, Respondent No.4 Laxman Kale,Co-conspirator of Respondents No. 1 and 2, also filed another FALSEadditional affidavit on Oath in Criminal Writ Petition No. 1857 of 2012 saying that Mohini Kamwani and her son wereArrested because they were going to Commit Suicide, which has ALREADY beenREJECTED By Hon. Bombay High Court and attached as Exhibit A therein ,RespondentNo.1 DCP Purushottam Karad’s Letter dated05-07-2012 to Hon. Bombay High Court, which is a FALSE Reply on BEHALF of RespondentNo.2 Mr. Javed Ahmed, to Hon. Bombay High Court’s Letter to then Navi MumbaiPolice Commissioner Mr. Ahmed Javed, REPEATING the same LIE that Mohini Kamwani and her son were Arrestedbecause they were going to Commit Suicide. THIS IS A CLEAR PROOF THATRESPONDENTS NO.1 AND 2 HAVE CONSPIRED WITH RESPONDENTS NO. 4 AND 5. HON. JMFC VASHI MAGISTRATE TOOK AN EXTRA COPY OFTHIS DCP P. KARAD’S LETTER FROM US, BEFORE ISSUING THE SAID FIR ORDER AGAINST RESPONDENTSNO.1 AND 2, ALONGWITH 2 SPIs.  + Respondent No.1 inhis said Reply on Behalf of Respondent No.2 is Also Lying in Para 13that Mohini Kamwani and her son were called from 16-01-2012 to 19-01-2012to Vashi Police Station by SPI, ACP and by Respondent No.1 himself but they didnot listen – ENTIRE AZAD MAIDAN POLICE AND SPECIAL BRANCH OFFICERS AREOUR WITNESSES THAT MOHINI KAMWANI WAS SITTING AT AZAD MAIDAN FOR HER HUNGERSTRIKE FROM 16-01-2012 TO 24-1-2012, SO HOW DID SHE GO TO VASHI POLICE STATION???!!!. Copy ofthe additional FALSE affidavit dated 22.02.2013 filed by Respondent No.4 LaxmanKale with Respondent No.1 DCP Karad’s False Reply vide Exhibit A therein inCriminal Writ Petition No. 1857 of 2012 is annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit“W”.

(AA)  Applicant’sMother Mohini Kamwani filed Amendment in her Crim. WP 1857/2012 dated 27-2-2013once again explaining in detail with Exhibits therein about Criminal Conspiracyof Respondents No.1 and 2 with Respondents No.4 and 5 to Protect our AccusedKarani Family members, that is why Police ONLY gave 2 ‘Soft’ Notices toKaranis; Why 2nd Notice toKaranis for Repeat Offences of CONTINUOUSELY Threatening 79 year Senior CitizenMohini Kamwani ? Annexed and marked as Exhibit“X” is Copy of the said Amendment.

(BB)      Applicant’s Mother filed a rejoinder to theadditional reply filed by Respondent No.4 and 5 Laxman Kale and  DCP P. Karad’s Letter as Exhibit A therein on22.02.2013, with clear Prayer toSuspend and Prosecute Respondent No. 1, 4 and 5 DCP P. Karad, Laxman Kale andR. Sardesai, for their Criminal Conspiracy to Arrest and Jail the Applicants byHook or Crook to Silence them so that Mohini Kamwani  Stops complaining about Rich and Powerful Accused Karanis whom Police was Protectingand violation of our fundamentalrights which were contrary to the law laid down in D. K. Basu case. Copy of therejoinder affidavit dated 01.03.2013 filed by the Applicant’s Mother inCriminal Writ Petition No. 1857 of 2012 is annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit“Y”.

(CC)  On 28.03.2013 and 30.03.2013 we sought amendmentsin the writ petition with regard tothe prayers seeking Mandamus Writ/FIR against Respondents No. 1, 2, 4 and 5 DCPP. Karad, ADG Ahmed Javed, SPIs Laxman Kale and R. Sardesai, and that they beimmediately Suspended and Prosecuted for Illegally Detaining and Arresting us andfor Perjury by seeking detention order and judicial custody from JMFC VashiCourt by filing a False case and Affidavit that Mohini Kamwani and her son weregoing to Commit Suicide. They also sought that the Respondents no. 1, 2, 4 and5 should be Suspended and Prosecuted for Planned Criminal Conspiracy and deliberate dereliction of duty (as Bombay High Court Public Grievances Cell had sent a letter on21-01-2012 to Respondent No.2 then Navi Mumbai Police Commissioner Javed Ahmadand Respondent No.1 DCP Vashi Zone 1 Purushotam Karad has submitted a FalseReply to that through additional affidavit of Respondent No. 4 SPI Laxman Kale dated22.02.2013 by way of Exhibit ‘A’ therein) and Forgery, Filing False Sworn Affidavits/Replies, etc. Copy of the amendments dated 28.03.2013and 30.03.2013 sought and allowed in Criminal Writ Petition No. 1857 of 2012 isannexed hereto and marked as Exhibit “Z”.

(DD)  That TheHon’ble High Court vide its final Judgment and Order dated 13.06.2013 partlyallowed the Criminal Writ Petition No. 1857 of 2012 granting compensation ofRs.3 lac each to Applicant and his Mother for their illegal arrest anddetention saying “…Therewas no impending threat of the petitioners for committing suicide and inpassing, therefore, we may say that their arrest and detention itself was not justified.However, the fact remains that the “authorities” (whichdefinitely include Respondents No.1 and 2 DCP Purushottam Karad and ADG Ahmed Javed) have committed a blatant violation ofthe directives of the Supreme Court in D. K. Basu's case and the petition onthat score deserves to succeed”. Nowhere in the entireFinal Judgment Order has Hon. Bombay High Court given any relief to or Absolvedany Respondent, including Respondents No. 1 and 2 DCP P. Karad and ADG AhmedJaved. Annexed and markedas Exhibit “Z-1” is aCopy of Final Judgment Order of Hon. Bombay High Court dated 13-6-2013.

(EE)      That theHon’ble Bombay High Court in the order dated 13-06-2013 stated, related toprayer of Petitioners for issuance of a writ of mandamus directing the policeto register a offence on the basis of the complaint  of the first petitioner in that respect,Hon’ble high court  referred  the petitioners to avail alternate remediesavailable to them in law. Copy of the Hon. Bombay High Court Order of Final Judgment is already annexed and marked asExhibit “Z”.

(FF)       It is also Pertinent to note here,that the Respondents No. 1, 2, 4 and5 along with our other Original Accused had filed an SLP No. 6534/2013 in Hon. Supreme Court to challengethe said impugned Hon. Bombay High Court Final Judgment Order dated 13-6-2013,BUT HON. SUPREME COURT HAS DISMISSED THEIR SLP ON 23-9-2013 and NOT given themany Relief. Annexedand marked as Exhibit “Z-2” is a Copy of Order of SC Dismissal of their SLP on 23-9-2013. Conviction of Petitioners No.1 and 2 with 2 SPIsattained Finality when SC dismissed their SLP and that has become the Law andno one can deny or change it.

(GG)                       Moreover,Maharashtra DGP has also clearly said vide Letter dated 2-9-2013 that necessaryaction will be taken against 4 Guilty Police Officers, Respondents No.1, 2, 4and 5 DCP P. Karad, ADGP Ahmed Javed, Laxman Kale and Raosaheb Sardesai, afterthe outcome of their SC SLP which has long back been Dismissed by Hon. SC. Annexed and marked as  Exhibit “Z-3” is a Copy of Letter from DGP’s Office.

(HH)    As NoAction was taken against 4Guilty Police Officers Respondents No.1, 2, 4 and 5 DCP P. Karad, ADGP AhmedJaved, Laxman Kale and Raosaheb Sardesai, as per DGP’s Letter; Hence as per theDirections given by the Hon. Bombay High Court in the Final Judgment Orderdated 13-6-2013, Applicants filed a Complaint u/s 156(3) CrPC for Registrationof FIR against Respondents No.1, 2, 4 and 5 in JMFC Vashi Court on 30-1-2014and Hon. Learned JMFC Vashi Magistrate has passed the said Order on 1-2-2014.Annexed and marked as Exhibit “Z-4” is a Copy ofOrder dated 1-2-2014 passed by Hon. JMFC Vashi Court for registration of FIRagainst Respondents No.1, 2, 4, and 5 as per the directions of Hon. Bombay HighCourt in CrWP No. 1857/2012.Afterfearing the proposed action resulting from the said FIR Order against them, theRespondents No.1 and 2, our Original Accused in Crim. WP 1857/2012, andRespondent No.3, are trying to Criminally Misuse the Process of Court by filing the FALSE Criminal Writ Petition No. 427/2014 by Dishonestly Concealing theMaterial Facts. The material available on record and the documentsfiled by the Applicant makes it Prima Facie clear that the Respondent No.1 to 5had Conspired with each other and created False, Misleading and FabricatedEvidences in order to Mislead this Hon. Court and thereby committed Offencesagainst Administration of Justice, Criminal Abuse of Court Process and CriminalContempt of Court.

(II)       Inour Crim. WP 1857/2014 Petitioners No.1 and 2 DCP P. Karad and Ahmed Javed werealso our Original Accused; but they did Not file any Reply Affidavit, only 2SPIs filed the Reply Affidavits which were found False by the Hon. Bombay HighCourt. Hence the allegations against RespondentsNo.1 and 2 are Proved.

AIR 1964 Page No. 72 …When allegations of Malafide are made againstMinister and no Reply is filed by the Minister but Reply filed by theSecretary, this means that Malafied have been Proved against Minister.

AIR 1988 Allahabad Page No. 32 … Subordinate Not to file Reply when Senior Officersare Accused.

10.   That Applicantand his Mother had submitted most of the above Exhibits, Documents, Proofs,Respondents’ False Reports/Replies, False Case and Sworn Affidavit in JMFCVashi Court, our entire CrWP 1857/2012 with Amendments,  Respondents’ False Affidavits in HC and our Rejoinders,DGP’s Letter, SC Dismissal Order for Respondents’ SLP in SC, etc., TO THE HON. JMFC VASHI COURT ASALSO TO HON. BOMBAY HIGH COURT EARLIER IN OUR CrWP 1857/2012, required to Provethe Falsity and Dishonesty of the Respondents and NEVER Hidden any Facts, but on the Contrary it is the Respondentswho have Conspired with each other and Filed the False CrWP 427/2014, DishonestlyConcealing the Material Facts, createdFalse, Misleading and Fabricated Evidences in order to Mislead this Hon. Court,LIKE THEY HAVE DONE IT BEFORE ALSO IN JMFC VASHI COURT, HON. BOMBAY HIGH COURTIN OUR CrWP 1857/2012 AND IN SC.


Para D and E Page 8 Statement: Respondent No.1 Complained of Amounts Due to her from Accused Karanis hence she was informed that this is a Civil Matter.
PROOFS OF THEIR fALSITY: Police Complaint of Mohini Kamwani dated 23-12-2010 of Threats, etc. has got Nothing to do with Past Dues of Accused Karanis, as explained in:Exhibits A, E, F, G, T, X, Y, Z, Z-1.
Para E Page 9 Statement: There is no whisper/allegations against Petitioners in Respondents Complaint to JMFC Vashi Court.
PROOFS OF THEIR FALSITY: Para 23 of Respondents Complaint to JMFC Vashi Court +JMFC Exhibits A, D, I, N, O, P, and Exhibits B, C, F (Colly.), G, I in Reply Affidavit filed by Applicant  Dilip Kamwani.
Para F Page 9 Statement: Respondents were going to Commit Suicide.
PROOFS OF THEIR FALSITY: Undertaking given by Respondent No.1 to Azad Maidan Police station on 24-1-2012 that she will NOT commit suicide and has Ended her Hunger Strike and gone home to Vashi + Exhibits M, R, T, X, Y, Z, Z-1.
Para 4 Page 11 Statement: Petitioners say that if allegations in Complaint are perused, at the most it is about illegal arrest and Wrongful detention  and preparation of arrest Panchnama, which is in discharge of official duty…
PROOFS OF THEIR FALSITY: Self Admission of Illegal Arrest and Wrongful Detention + Making a False Panchnama, but it is NOT Official Duty, it is OUTSIDE of Duty, to make a False Panchnama.
Para 5 Page 12 Statement: Petitioners are High Ranking Officers …Respondents have taken Revenge…Their Reputation will be tarnished…No Conspiracy u/s 120B…
PROOFS OF THEIR FALSITY: Respondent No.1 Mohini Kamwani is a 79 year Senior Citizen COMPLAINANT …Police has already Tarnished our Reputation by Arresting and Jailing us ILLEGALLY and it has come in Newspapers… Hon. Bombay High Court has already Convicted the Petitioners No.1 and 2, DCP P. Karad and ADG Ahmed Javed after giving them Fair Hearing for 1 year …They did NOT file Reply affidavit to DENY 120B and their involvement, and SC also Dismissed their SLP + DGP has also said necessary action will be taken against them.

12.  In view of the above mentioned background and inthese Facts and Circumstances, the Applicant is approaching this Hon. Court byfiling the present Application under Section 340 CrPC. There is no otheralternate, speedy and efficacious remedy available to the Applicant than thepresent Application which is filed on following amongst the other Grounds whichare without prejudice to each other:


(a)   That theRespondents No.1 to 3 Deliberately filed the False CrWP 427/2014, with FalseDocuments, Exhibits, Sworn Affidavit, etc., to Fraudulently Misguide this Hon.Court to obtain a favorable ad-interim relief of Stay Order dated 6-4-2014 inorder to Stop the registration of FIR against Respondents No.1, 2, 4 and 5, asOrdered by Hon. JMFC Vashi Court dated 1-2-2014. Hence the Applicant files thisApplication and Respondent No.1 to 3 and 4 and 5 are liable to be Prosecutedu/s 191, 192, 193, 196, 199, 200, 201, 217, 218, 219, 465, 466, (467, 468,)471, 474 read with 120(B) of Indian Penal Code for their Illegal acts.

(b)  Section 340 CrPC reads as under:

(1)When, upon an application made to itin this behalf or otherwise, any Court is of opinion that it is expedient inthe interests of justice that an inquiry should be made into any offencereferred to in clause (b) of sub- section (1) of section 195, which appears tohave been committed in or in relation to a proceeding in that Court or, as thecase may be, in respect of a document produced or given in evidence in aproceeding in that Court, such Court may, after such preliminary inquiry, ifany, as it thinks necessary,-

(a) record a finding to that effect;

(b) make a complaint thereof in writing;

(c) send it to a Magistrate of the first classhaving jurisdiction;

(d) take sufficient security for the appearanceof the accused before such Magistrate, or if the alleged offence is non-bailable and the Court thinks it necessary so to do, send the accused incustody to such Magistrate; and

(e) bind over any person to appear and giveevidence before such Magistrate.

(2) The power conferredon a Court by sub- section (1) in respect of an offence may, in any case wherethat Court has neither made a complaint under sub- section (1) in respect ofthat offence nor rejected an application for the making of such complaint, beexercised by the Court to which such former Court is subordinate within themeaning of sub- section (4) of section 195.

(3) A complaint madeunder this section shall be signed,-

(a) where the Court making the complaint is a High Court, by such officer of the Court as the Courtmay appoint;

(b) in any other case,by the presiding officer of the Court.

(4) In thissection," Court" has the same meaning as in section 195.

(c)  That the Applicant states and submits that the  filing False Affidavit or making False Statement on Oath is a Serious Offence, the Hon. Apex Court, Hon High Courts discussed the said issue in followingdecisions;

(i)  M/s A-One Industries Vs. D.P. Garg (Delhi HighCourt) reported in 1999 Cri. L J. 4743
“B)Filing of False Affidavit – Effect of – It needs to be highlighted that filing a False Affidavit or giving aFalse Evidence in Judicial proceeding is a serious matter – Supreme Court in AIR 1995 SC 795 observedthat
“….filingof false affidavit or making false statement on oath in court aims at strikinga blow at the Rule of law and no court can ignore such conduct which has thetendency toshake public confidence in the judicial institutions because the very structureof an ordered life is put at stake. It would be a great public disaster if thefountain of justice is allowed to be poisoned by anyone resorting to filing of false affidavits or giving false statements and fabricating false evidence in a court of law. The stream of justice has to be kept clear and pureand anyone soiling its purity must be dealt with sternly so that no one can bepermitted to undermine the dignity of Court and interfere with due course ofjudicial proceedings or the administration.”

(ii) Pritesh Vs. State ofMaharashtra (SCC) reported in 2002 Cri. L. J. 548

(iii)  AIR 1927 Allahbad 45 Full Bench

(iv) Kapol Co-op Bank Ltd. Vs.State of Maharashtra reported in 2005 Cr. L. J. 765

(d)   That theApplicants state and submit that Respondents No. 1 to 5 made False Statementson oath and also are trying to Prejudice this Hon. Court against the Applicant and his Mother. Therefore it is also necessary to initiate Contempt proceedings against Respondents No. 1 to 5.

(e)   Hon. Supreme Court in the case of (2010) 3SCC (Cri) 574 UP Resident Employees Co-op Housing Society and Ors Vs. New OkhlaIndustrial Development Authority and Anr held as follows:
A.  Contemptof Court Act 1971 – S.2(c) - Criminal Contempt – Filing of False Affidavit intentionally– Held, amounts to Contempt of Court – On facts held, P by making a FalseStatement on Affidavit with the intention of inducing the Supreme Court not topass any adverse order against Noida Authority had committed Contempt of Court.(para 7)

B.   Contemptof Court Act 1971 – S.12 – P filing Affidavit intentionally – He submittingthat apology tendered should be accepted and/or in any event fine would suffice– Held on facts. Apology tendered only after it was worthless since it was notgenuine and bona fide and was tendered only after it was found that false statement had an attempt to get out of consequences of having been caught –Hence sentence of simple imprisonment for one week imposed (para 9 to 11)

(f)  The Applicant has no other equally efficacious and alternative remedy than to approach this Hon. Court for securing the ends of Justice and it is just fair and essential that Applicant and his Mother be relieved from the clutches of irregular and futile litigation.

(g)   No otherpetition except present petition has been filed by the Applicant either beforethis Hon. Court or before any other Court in India in respect of the subject matter of the present petition.


Therefore the Applicant Prays that this Hon. Court be pleased to:

a.   Admit and allow the present Application;

b.   Record a finding that Respondents No. 1 to 5 havein connivance with each other filed False case, made false statements on oathand filed false affidavit, committed Forgery, Perjury, etc. before this Hon.Court to mislead the Court;

c.    Initiate proceedings u/s 191, 192, 193, 196, 199,200, 201, 217, 218, 219, 465, 466, 471, 474, read with 120(B) of IPC as perprovisions of section 340 of CrPC against Respondents No.1 to 5 and make acomplaint in writing and send it to the Magistrate of First Class having jurisdiction;

d.   Send Respondents No. 1 to 5 to custody in view ofsection 340 (1) (d) of CrPC as the offence u/s 471 is non baillable one;

e.    Take suo motocognizance of contempt of Court committed by Respondents No. 1 to 5 and proceedagainst them under provision of contempt of Court’s Act;

f.      Grant acompensation of Rs. 1 Crore to the Applicant and his Mother for the mentaltorture, annoyance, inconvenience caused to the Applicant and his Mother due to filing a False Writ Petition by Respondents No. 1 to 3;

g.   Grant any other reliefs as this Hon. Court deemsjust, fit and proper;

h.    Provide cost to the Applicants.


Place: Mumbai
Date: 5-4-2014

Applicant in Person… DilipKamwani …

Hope this will help you guys....................all the best
Issued in Public Interest by ATUR CHATUR COUNSELLING *

शादी से पहले और शादी के बाद 
ATUR CHATUR  को रखना याद



*Disclaimer:- Atur Chatur is my pen name. I am Delhi University Ex-Lecturer. I am NOT a lawyer. I am a PIP (Party-in-Person). I filed Perjury (fraud on court) on lies of my wife with proofs. I filed court case against Police/CAW. I filed complaint against Judge Family Court (JFC) due to unethical practices/ gender discrimination which resulted in JFC Recusal. I also became a RTI Activist. I acquired all other knowledge/info after false 498a/DVC/Divorce/ CAW cases were filed against me & entire family & my income greatly affected so I have chosen this profession to support my family & also to support my one man fight against gender discrimination in India. Counselling Fees = 2,000 only for approx one hour talking to you & suggesting you few methods like RTI or other methods which is based on my knowledge which I acquired while fighting false cases. Fees is subject to change due to urgency & other factors so please confirm. I do not provide legal opinion/ legal advise or anything like that. All written by me & my suggestions etc is my personal views. You yourself will be responsible for acting on any of my counseling/ advises / consult / guidance etc. Fees for the RTI & any other writing work is to be paid separately & does not come under counselling fees. Pls ask the fees before getting any work done. Fees once paid (even if paid in excess) are not refundable under any circumstances. I do not provide legal opinion/ legal advise or anything like that. All written by me & views/ writings/ RTI/ suggestions/ counselling guidance etc are my personal views. You yourself will be responsible for acting on any of my counselling/ advises / consult / guidance etc. The author and his family haven't bribed any public official nor have they given in to the extortion. This blog aims to raise awareness of due process in India. The content of this blog constitutes, opinions, observations, and publicly available documents. The intent is not to slander or defame anyone or any institution and is the manifestation of the author's right to freedom of expression – with all the protections this right guarantees. There has been no advertisement, personal communication, solicitation, invitation or inducement of any sort whatsoever from us or any of our members to solicit any work through this website. The user wishes to gain more information about us for his/her own information and use. The information about us is provided to the user only his/her specific request and any information obtained or materials downloaded from this website is completely at the user's volition and any transmission, receipt or use of this site would not create any lawyer-client relationship. The information provided under this website is solely available at your request for information purposed only, should not be interpreted as soliciting or advertisement. We are not liable for any consequence of any action taken by the user relying on legal material/information provided under this website. In cases where the user has any legal dowry consultation issues, he/she in all cases must seek independent legal advice from  his own reliable sources & contacts. Disputes if any shall be subject to Delhi Jurisdiction only. General Disclaimer applies.


  1. I am a NRI. I am delighted that I used the noble assistance of atur chatur sir. thank you sir for being there to help all the non resident Indians like me from all over the world

  2. I am Mika from New Delhi.
    I am suffering from police atrocities.
    I want to file perjury against cops as false deposition has been made by the dirty cops against my elder brother in a matrimonial dispute involving 420 IPC cheating crime.
    any suggestions please?>



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